Monday, September 21, 2009

wrong email

well nothing new to post about..Just found out my mail was wrong ,it's fixed now !

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Micropenis Surgery ,perhaps possible cure for the future

I just came across this article from livescience . According to David Ralph, a urologist at the University College London : "This operation can change the life of young men, improving their self-esteem and quality of life and allowing many of them to have sexual intercourse, sometimes for the first time in their life," . Also another hospital in Belgium has performed a similar surgery with positive results too.
However in both cases there are many risks involving infections and other other stuff..

This article is pretty old (december 2004) ,hopefully more advancements will have been made since then..

Monday, August 17, 2009

Small Penis Competition

Obviously most of the men in this video have micropenis and 2 of the guys seem to have no penis at all because it is hidden under the fat or something..I really admire their "balls" I would never do that ..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Micropenis Treatment

Unfortunately there is no available cure for
micropenis. If you have one like me,you are probably stacked with it for the rest of your life..However there are some treatments if the condition is diagnosed on birth or at a relatively young age. Penis growth mainly depends on testosterone and growth hormone levels. So if you think your babe has micropenis ( stretced penis of an infant will be smaller than 1,9 cm) than better consult a doctor. According to wikipedia the doctor will prescribe testosterone for about a period of 3 months and this might help the babe achieve a more normal size during puberty..Nevertheless I haven't been able to find much information regarding this matter so it would be better to go ask a pediatrician or something to get a better opinion.

Now if you are an adult like me hormones will do no help ,at least this is what I have been told by a couple of doctors since the entire body including the penis has already been shaped..There is a surgery called phalloplasty for increasing the size with minimum ,if any, results..

So for the time being ,at least to my knowledge if you have micropenis you are stuck with it..

Micropenis Images

Well here are some photos of micropenis I have found over the Internet. Drop me an email if you happen to find some more I would be happy to upload them too.


I am now sure that you get how small micropenis really is.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

General Micropenis Information

In simple words micropenis is a penis that is tiny.If you are an adult and your 5-6 years old nephew is comparable to you ,than you have micropenis ! In medical words micropenis is a normally structured penis that reaches 3 to 3,5 inches (less than 9 cm) when erect. Normally, the penis length of an infant boy is between 2.8 to 4.2 centimeters with a circumference of 0.9 to 1.3 centimeters. If a boys length is less than 1,9 cm it will probably have micropenis as an adult. Around 0,5 % of the males have the micropenis condition and according to a study this percentage might be a little bigger on asian populations(no racism intented)

The causes of micropenis can vary ,but they are mainly related with hormones that are produced during pregnacy and puberty that affect the penile growth. Many times micropenis is associated with other syndromes like Klinefelter . I copy paste from the wikipedia article:

Of the abnormal conditions associated with micropenis, most are conditions of reduced prenatal androgen production or effect. Examples include abnormal testicular development (testicular dysgenesis, Klinefelter syndrome, Leydig cell hypoplasia), specific defects of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone synthesis (17,20-lyase deficiency, 5α-reductase deficiency), androgen insensitivity syndromes, inadequate pituitary stimulation (gonadotropin deficiency) or other forms of congenital hypogonadism. Micropenis can also occur as part of many genetic malformation syndromes not involving the sex chromosomes. It sometimes is a sign of congenital growth hormone deficiency or congenital hypopituitarism. Finally, severalhomeobox genes have been identified which affects penis and digit size without detectable hormone abnormalities."

Currently there is no actual cure for micropenis although there are various treatments mainly hormonal ones that when applied in a young age might stimulate the penile growth and help the boy reach a more acceptable or even normal penis size


Hello and welcome to my blog.

I suffer from a condition called micropenis . You probably guessed right..My penis is small but not just small ,really really small . Actually when I am erect my penis barely reaches 7-8 centimetres . This has caused many troubles in my sex life. I have only had sex with whores and even on these occasions I felt really really embarassed . Many times I turned down possible girlfriends because I knew that when we would reach the sex part I would feel really awkard and possibly be laughed at..And of course I would really want to avoid being gossiped among girl-circles for my problem..My small penis will haunt me forever and probably I am never gonna have a real relationship ..Well I will post now and then various thoughts and information about the micropenis condition.

The Microman